The sub-Saharan Africa Energy Investment Assessment Project's outputs which was completed at the beginning of the year was presented on May 10, 2017 with the introduction of Business Council President Yücel Özden and Vice President Yalçın Kıroğlu. Representatives of Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (Mr Safa Uslu, General Manager of Foreign Affairs and EU), Ministry of Economy, Eximbank and Ziraat Bank also participated to workshop which was held in Istanbul / River Plaza on May 10, 2017. The members of Energy Business Council and the mutual views of public institutions were consulted during the session.
The project aims to analyses the capacity of Turkey's energy sector players in the sub-Saharan African countries (Guinea, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar and Uganda). It is aimed to analyze renewable and micro grid investments and to identify project-based examples that can focus on this region with the energy supply potential within the competencies of Turkish energy companies. DEIK Energy Business Council took the initiative in this point and decided to investigate detailed project examples and investment models related to the countries that its members will focus on in the new period in coordination with the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources. Considering the general competencies of the Business Council member profile, emphasis has been placed on analyzes of renewable energy investments. Top-level analyzes have also been conducted in oil, natural gas and mining sectors in selected countries. The workshops and analyzes that have been carried out have been presented with a road map supported by case studies from global companies that have proposed the potential technology and possible moves.