"Sharing is Caring"

DEİK's Iftar Dinner honoured by Turkish Minister of Economy Nihat Zeybekci was organized in Istanbul on June 20, 2017. The Iftar Dinner themed with "Sharing is Caring" brought together representatives of diplomatic missions in Turkey, DEİK's Board Members, Presidents of DEİK's Founding Institutions, Presidents of DEİK's Business Councils, Presidents of DEİK/DTİK's Regional Committees and DEİK's Members.

In his adress at the Iftar Dinner Turkish Minister of Economy Nihat Zeybekci underlined DEİK's main features as a ‘memory' and ‘wisdom' and pointed DEİK's significant role in developing Turkish private sector's foreign economic relations since its Foundation. In the words of the Minister Zeybekci, DEİK provided its members ‘a platform for the spread of Turkey's economic power and reliability in the world' and he thanked DEİK for its efforts in this context.

Minister Zeybekci also said: "Following the end of the Cold War, national frontiers had turned into economic frontiers and Turkey also faced similar problems. Turkey could only be able to reach at its 2023, 2051 and 2073 Targets with an economy that guarantees its energy and resources as well as that creates knowledge and know-how, and this requires the support of the private sector and the business community". Saying that Turkey has currently signed FTAs with 23 countries and negotiations are ongoing with other countries such as Georgia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Ukraine and Pakistan ongoing, Minister Zeybekci added the talks on Turkey-EU Customs Union upgrade has been going smoothly with the hope the resume the negotiations by the end of this year.

Referring to 5% economic growth rate in the first quarter of 2017 Minister Nihat Zeybekci emphasized the satisfactory 2.2 percentage point share of exports in the growth. Minister Zeybekci also added expected further increase in Turkish economy throughout 2017.

In his adress at the Iftar Dinner DEİK's President Ömer Cihad Vardan stressed DEİK's diversified activities and strengthened Business Councils with the guidance of Turkey's 2023 Vision. "DEİK has organized 2.359 activities, 577 of which abroad in the last 1,5 years" said DEİK's Vardan also added "in full coordination with Turkish Ministry of Economics, the support of DEİK's Founding Institutions, Members and our staff, DEİK continues  its growth in a constantly changing world". Referring at 5% economic growth rate in the first quarter of 2017 as a ‘strong and balanced growth'  DEİK's Vardan said: "the fire circle around our country is expanding and becoming more brutal. Turkey struggling with problems at home and abroad, also keep an eye on its 2023 Vision".

Stressing that the global economy cannot be thought of separate from world politics, DEİK's Vardan said: "Protectionist trends still top the list of obstacles in doing business globally and we are concerned. We are hopeful that WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement whose foundations were laid in 2004 and which was finalised in February 2017 will contribute to practices supporting global trade".

On July 15th coup attempt DEİK's President Vardan said: "DEİK has closed its ranks and stands united in the last one year. Immediately after the coup attempt, together with our Business Councils we have launched a ‘mobilization' and since then our Business Councils have visited 99 countries".