Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK) and Business Finland, organized the Finland-Türkiye Roundtable Meeting in Helsinki on February 26, 2025, with the esteemed participation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Türkiye, Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat, the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development of Finland, Ville Tavio, Deputy Minister of Trade of Türkiye, Mustafa Tuzcu, the Ambassador of Türkiye to Helsinki, Deniz Çakar, the Ambassador of Finland to Ankara, Pirkko Hämäläinen, DEİK President Nail Olpak, DEİK/Türkiye-Finland Business Council Chairperson Evren Dindiren Dönmez, Business Finland COO and Executive Director Risto Vuohelainen, and representatives from the business world. 

Minister of Trade of Türkiye, Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat, emphasized the importance of diversifying Türkiye's cooperation with the European Union (EU) and its member states, one of Türkiye's most significant trade partners. He stated: "In our meeting, where we evaluated cooperation opportunities between our business communities and in economic, trade, and technological fields, we comprehensively discussed topics such as the Customs Union, green transition, digitalization, defense industry, and entrepreneurship. We firmly believe that updating the Customs Union will significantly contribute to our global cooperation. As Türkiye, we are eager to collaborate with Finland in the fields of contracting and technology, as well as to work together on contracting and infrastructure projects in third countries." 

Bolat also noted that the Reinsurance Cooperation Agreement signed between the official export credit agencies of the two countries, Türk Eximbank and Finnvera, would take the economic and trade partnership a step further. "With this agreement, our companies will have access to more financing tools and will find it easier to secure funding for potential projects in third countries. As Türkiye, we fully support strengthening cooperation between our business communities and establishing new partnerships with Finland. In this regard, we believe that the JETCO Protocol we signed and this meeting will be beneficial for our countries. Together with our public and private sector representatives, we will continue to work with all our efforts to enhance trade and investment relations between Türkiye and Finland," he added. 

Minister of Foreign Trade and Development of Finland, Ville Tavio, highlighted the importance of sustainability, emphasizing the role of green technologies in a sustainable economy. He also underscored the significance of decarbonization efforts, sustainable infrastructure, and the Horizon Europe program in fostering joint activities. 

DEİK President Nail Olpak stated: "Our bilateral trade volume is around $1.8 billion, and we believe it has the potential to increase. However, it is crucial that this growth is not only quantitative but also balanced. Beyond trade, it is important to expand economic and cultural relations into diverse areas, including investments and partnerships. We emphasize the urgent need to modernize the Customs Union, particularly focusing on agriculture, services, and public procurement. In this era where green and digital transformation complement each other, digitalization is a key area where we can enhance cooperation through DEİK's Digital Technologies Business Council. I would also like to highlight the challenges faced by Turkish steel companies due to the EU's quota restrictions. The industrial sectors of both countries are complementary to each other. In addition to construction, energy, and defense, other significant cooperation areas include medical services, information and communication, digital and environmental technologies." 

DEİK/Türkiye-Finland Business Council Chairperson, Evren Dindiren Dönmez, stated: "The two countries share a long-standing partnership built on trust, cooperation, and a commitment to shared progress. Over the years, this relationship has evolved into a strong bridge not only in trade and investment but also in innovation, sustainability, and forward-looking solutions. Established in 1991, the DEİK/Türkiye-Finland Business Council plays a vital role in strengthening economic and trade ties, fostering business cooperation, and taking our bilateral relations to new heights. The Business Council serves as a crucial platform for sustainable economic cooperation by facilitating direct interactions among business communities, promoting constructive dialogue, and encouraging knowledge exchange. We have spearheaded numerous initiatives aimed at deepening economic relations between our countries. The synergy between Türkiye and Finland has the potential to develop revolutionary solutions for environmental protection. As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Türkiye and Finland, we look forward to a partnership defined by sustainability and innovation."


„DEİK beginnt eine strategische Kooperation zum 100. Jahrestag der diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen der Türkei und Deutschland.

Der vom Außenwirtschaftsrat DEIK organisierte „Türkisch-Deutsche Kooperations-Empfang" fand in Istanbul statt, in Anwesenheit des Vorstands und der Mitglieder des DEIK/Türkei-Deutschland Wirtschaftsrats sowie türkischer und deutscher Geschäftsleute.

Nach dem Besuch des Bundespräsidenten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, in der Türkei vor einigen Monaten und zum 100. Jahrestag der diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen der Türkei und Deutschland hat DEIK eine strategische Kooperation zwischen der Türkei und Deutschland eingerichtet.

Ein Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) wurde bei dem Empfang unterzeichnet, an dem der ehemalige Bundespräsident der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Christian Wulff, DEIK-Präsident Nail Olpak und Mehmet Ali Yalcindag, der Präsident des DEIK/Türkei-Deutschland Wirtschaftsrats, teilnahmen. Der Präsident des Deutsch-Türkischen Wirtschaftsrates wurde Christian Wulff.

„Die Entwicklung der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit zwischen den beiden Ländern wird vom Deutsch-Türkischen Wirtschaftsrat vorantreiben", sagt Olpak.


Nail Olpak, Präsident der DEIK, drückte seine Freude aus, dass Christian Wulff, der ehemalige Bundespräsident, den Vorsitz des DEIK/Türkei-Deutschland Wirtschaftsrats übernehmen wird. „Die Millionen türkischstämmigen Bürger in Deutschland haben tiefe kulturelle und soziale Bindungen zwischen der Türkei und Deutschland", sagte Olpak. Die Anwesenheit der Türken in Deutschland ist für die Wirtschaft beider Länder gleichermaßen von Bedeutung und hat eine entscheidende Bedeutung für die Entwicklung wirtschaftlicher und handelsbezogener Beziehungen. Unsere Gastarbeiter bringen ungefähr 500.000 Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland hervor, während 100.000 türkische Unternehmen mit einem Jahresumsatz von 50 Milliarden Euro einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur deutschen Wirtschaft leisten. Der Haupthandelspartner der Türkei ist Deutschland in der EU. Im Jahr 2023 belief sich das Handelsvolumen der Türkei mit Deutschland auf 49,7 Mrd. USD.

Die Bedeutung der Türkei liegt in ihrer strategischen Position als Brücke zwischen Europa und Asien, ihrer Zollunionsmitgliedschaft und ihrer Verlässlichkeit. Viele weitere Bereiche der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit zwischen den beiden Ländern werden vom Deutsch-Türkischen Wirtschaftsrat gefördert: Partnerschaften in Investitionsprojekten, die Chancen für Kooperationen zwischen KMUs und die Zusammenarbeit in Drittländern.

Wulff: „Wir werden intensiv daran arbeiten, neue Investitionen in der Türkei und in Deutschland zu realisieren."

 Bei seiner Ansprache auf dem Empfang drückte Christian Wulff seine Freude darüber aus, an diesem Forum teilzunehmen. Eine großartige Gelegenheit zur Förderung der Wirtschaft und des Handels zwischen unseren Ländern ist die Zusammenarbeit in diesem Forum, das sowohl traditionelle als auch innovative Ansätze für die türkisch-deutschen Beziehungen bietet. Das aktuelle Handelsvolumen von mehr als 50 Milliarden Euro zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Türkei weist ein deutlich höheres Potenzial für eine wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit auf. „Als neu gegründeter Wirtschaftsrat zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei wollen wir uns auf Tätigkeiten im Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung, Transformation, bilaterale Investitionen und andere konzentrieren und diese verstärken." Unser Ziel ist es, durch eine gute Kooperation neue Investitionen in die Türkei und Deutschland zu verstärken und den Handel zwischen den beiden Ländern zu fördern. Wir können als Wirtschaftsrat erfolgreicher zusammenarbeiten."

Yalcindag sagte: „Der Deutsch-Türkische Wirtschaftsrat wird die Investitionsbeziehungen zwischen der Türkei und Deutschland stärken und den bilateralen Handelsbeziehungen von über 50 Milliarden Dollar neuen Schwung verleihen."

Mehmet Ali Yalcindag, Präsident des DEIK/Türkei-Deutschland Wirtschaftsrats, betonte, dass Deutschland eine der vier Länder ist, die die größten Investitionen in die Türkei vornehmen. „Insbesondere im Handels- und Wirtschaftsbereich sind die freundschaftlichen Bande zwischen den beiden Ländern, die aus der Geschichte bis in die Gegenwart reichen", sagte er. Das aktuelle Handelsvolumen unserer Länder beläuft sich auf rund 50 Mrd. $, wodurch Deutschland als unser größter Handelspartner gilt. Auch in Bezug auf direkte ausländische Investitionen ist Deutschland eines der vier Länder mit den größten Investitionen in die Türkei. Diese Zahlen könnten durch die von uns angestrebte Kooperation unsere Ziele deutlich übertreffen."

Yalcindag machte deutlich, dass der in Deutschland gegründete Deutsch-Türkische Wirtschaftsrat den bilateralen Handelsbeziehungen neue Impulse geben wird und dass die Türkei Deutschlands größter potentieller Partner ist. „Als DEIK/Türkei-Deutschland Wirtschaftsrat wollen wir die wirtschaftlichen und handelspolitischen Beziehungen zwischen den beiden Ländern auf ein neues Niveau bringen. Wir haben dabei eine neue Strategie ausgearbeitet. Die Türkei und Deutschland werden in dieser Strategie als ein Markt mit 170 Millionen Einwohnern betrachtet. Dabei wird die industrielle und wirtschaftliche Stärke betont. Unsere Prognose für die Zukunft beruht auf der Verbindung der Ressourcen und Stärken beider Länder. Diese Strategie nimmt die Anforderungen beider Länder in Betracht und stützt sich auf die Ergänzung unserer Branchen. „Ich danke Präsident Christian Wulff nochmals für seinen Beitrag zur Erhöhung der Zusammenarbeit auf ein neues Niveau." Mit seinem neuen Amt als Vorsitzender des Deutsch-Türkischen Wirtschaftsrats wird er einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur neuen Vision leisten, die wir erarbeitet haben.



The Spain-Türkiye Business Forum, organised by DEİK, was held on 13 June 2024 in Madrid, the capital of Spain, with the participation of President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sanchez, DEİK President Nail Olpak, President of the Spanish Employers Confederation (CEOE) Antonio Garamendi, Chairperson of the Spain-Türkiye Business Council and BBVA Carlos Torres Vila, Chairperson of the Türkiye-Spain Business Council Ebru Özdemir and business people from both countries. During the forum, a memorandum of understanding was signed between DEİK and the CEOE.

Erdoğan: "Our trade volume increased tenfold and reached 19.2 billion dollars"

Stating that the deep-rooted and strong relations between Türkiye and Spain are fuelled by the courageous and visionary steps taken by the business world, President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said: "The contribution of our esteemed business people is great in defining our relations as a comprehensive partnership since 2021. In recent years, both the Covid-19 pandemic and the conflicts in our neighbouring geography have increased the challenges facing global trade. Our solidarity and cooperation are vital in the face of current challenges.

Our trade volume, which hovered around 2 billion dollars before 2002, reached 19.2 billion dollars last year with a tenfold increase. Thus, we have almost reached our target of 20 billion dollars. I believe that we will carry this volume much further with your valuable contributions by joining hands together. The fact that Spain is the sixth country investing the most in Türkiye with 740 companies and a stock of approximately 11 billion dollars is essentially the result of this approach."

Sanchez: "Türkiye will continue to increase its economic weight and importance in the coming decades"

Pedro Sanchez, President of the Spanish Government, said: "Spain and Türkiye are two countries with the most marvellous relations in every field. The regular organisation of these summits is a very good example of this. Türkiye is a key economic partner for Spain and an important player in its region. "Spanish companies appreciate the improving outlook of the Turkish economy, the courage of the measures taken, the robustness of the economic programme."

Stating that they have always had confidence in Türkiye, Sanchez said, "We have very solid foundations for this. We have always trusted Türkiye. While some others withdrew from Türkiye, we doubled our investments. We have maintained this trust. Türkiye will continue to increase its economic weight and importance in the coming decades. Türkiye and Spain are friendly countries that trust each other and have special relations". Stating that Spain has decided to review the existing Mutual Investment Protection and Development Agreement with Türkiye and that this is very valuable, Sanchez said that "5 memorandums of understanding to be signed between state institutions will further accelerate investments and joint projects in third countries".

DEİK President Nail Olpak said, "I wish that our MoU agreement between DEIK and CEOE will also be auspicious. Türkiye and Spain Intergovernmental Summit Meetings have been held since 2009. In 2021, we welcome the definition of this relationship as "Comprehensive Partnership". Today, we will organise 4 simultaneous panels covering 11 sectors in cooperation with our DEIK counterpart CEOE and hosted by BBVA. I believe that we should develop our existing cooperation in the fields of automotive, iron and steel, agriculture and food, banking and finance, tourism, aviation and defence in new areas. Green and digital transformation, which is of great importance in the construction of our future, is very important both in terms of the steps that need to be taken, the opportunities that these steps will create, and the threats that will occur if the necessary steps are not taken." Stating that Spain supports the digital transformation of SMEs in areas such as artificial intelligence and cloud technology with its Digital 2025 vision, Olpak said, "Türkiye also attaches great importance to digitalisation for SMEs and Digital Türkiye 2030 road map reveals our strategies. Together with our DEIK Digital Technologies Business Council, we would like to do more joint work with representatives of the Spanish business world. At the 12th Spain-Türkiye Digital Platform held yesterday, our companies discussed these issues and an MoU was signed between our Digital Technologies Business Council and the Spanish Digital Economy Association (ADIGITAL). We believe that the modernisation and expansion of the scope of the EU-Türkiye Customs Union Agreement is long overdue and we expect more support from our Spanish friends in this regard."

Following the opening speeches of the Forum, B2B meetings were held with the panels of 'Business-Investment Opportunities and Financing', 'Infrastructure, Mobility and Transport', 'Energy, Environment and Green Transformation' and 'Industry and Technology'.

The sponsors of the forum were Limak Europe, Çimsa Cementos, Türkiye Sigorta, Cerealto, Beldeport, Beyçelik Gestamp, Doğuş Hospitality, Hidromek, Kibar Holding and Uno.


The 37th DEİK Ordinary Elective General Assembly and 3rd Master Pioneers Award Ceremony were held in Istanbul on May 25, 2024, with the attendance of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the participation of the Minister of Trade Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat, Minister of Youth and Sports Osman Aşkın Bak, and Minister of Industry and Technology Mr. Fatih Kacır and business representatives.

Following the 37th Ordinary Elective General Assembly of DEİK, where the new Board of Directors and Board of Auditors were elected, the Master Pioneers Awards honoured those who have added lasting value to DEİK through their global work in business diplomacy.

At the DEİK Master Pioneers Awards, organized for the third time this year, TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and leading figures of the Turkish business world honoured the late businessmen Şarık Tara, Ali Osman Ulusoy, and Ahmet Şahap Ünlü.


On March 7, we officially launched the DEİK Women's Platform with the participation of Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş and President of DEİK Mr. Nail Olpak. Our top priority is to enhance the presence and representation of women at all levels within DEİK.


The closing ceremony of the fourth Türkiye-Africa Business and Economic Forum, hosted by the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Trade and organized by the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK) in cooperation with the African Union, was attended by the President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Chairperson of the African Union & President of the Union of Comoros (TBC), Azali Assoumani, Minister of Trade of The Republic of Türkiye Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat, Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry and Minerals of the African Union Commission (AUC) Albert Muchanga, DEİK President Nail Olpak, President of the African Business Council Dr. Amany Asfour,  and nearly 4 thousand representatives from the economy and business world of Türkiye and African countries.

Erdoğan: "Our trade volume with the African continent, which was 5.4 billion dollars in 2003, approached 41 billion dollars by the end of 2022"

Stating that they will make every contribution to ensure that the African continent takes its rightful place in the global system, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said: "The level of our relations with most of the countries of the continent was not at a level befitting neither us nor our African friends. First, in 2003, we put into practice the strategy of developing trade and economic relations with Africa. Then, by declaring 2005 as the 'Year of Africa' in our country, we opened a new page in our relations with the continent. As we embraced our African brothers and sisters again, we tried to advance our cooperation on the basis of equal partnership and win-win. We pushed away arrogant perspectives towards the continent. We paid attention to establishing relations with our African brothers and sisters at eye level, developing empathy and understanding each other more. Our trade volume with the continent, which was 5.4 billion dollars in 2003, reached 41 billion dollars as of the end of last year. The total value of our direct investments in Africa has exceeded 10 billion dollars. Our companies undertake very important tasks in eliminating Africa's infrastructure and superstructure deficiencies by doing business in different fields from energy to construction, from agriculture to white goods and food. Our companies contribute to employment and production in African countries by meeting most of their labor needs locally."

Erdoğan: "The total value of projects undertaken by Turkish contractors in Africa has exceeded 85.5 billion dollars

Emphasizing that it is a source of pride for Türkiye that more than 100 thousand African workers have gained employment opportunities thanks to Turkish investors, President Erdoğan said, "The total value of the projects undertaken by Turkish contractors across the continent has exceeded 85.5 billion dollars. During our visits, we encountered roads, stadiums, airports, and factories built by Turkish companies and their African partners. Our interlocutors express their happiness to work for our companies at every opportunity. As the President of Türkiye, I welcome this recognition of our companies on the continent. We have increased the number of embassies in Africa to 44, and we are proud to host the ambassadors of 38 African countries in Ankara. The number of our commercial consultancies will soon reach 31. We established Business Councils with a total of 48 African countries. The number of countries with which we have trade and economic cooperation agreements has reached 48. The number of countries with agreements on mutual promotion and protection of investments has reached 32. We observe with great happiness that our relations with Africa develop daily in every field, from trade to investment, from culture to education. We believe that the African continent's free trade area will create important opportunities for trade and investments in the coming period. I would like to thank the African Union and the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK) for their cooperation and contributions to the realization of the forum."

President Assoumani: "We must make Africa a continent of hope and we must work together for this"

Chairperson of the African Union & President of the Union of Comoros (TBC), Azali Assoumani, "This forum addresses issues of concern to the people of Türkiye and the African continent. Previously, the same forum was organized in 2021, aiming to increase prosperity jointly. With these steps, we have the opportunity to work in areas such as infrastructure, energy, agriculture, digital marketing, and health. Since the beginning of the partnership with Africa, Türkiye has always used these opportunities best. We must make Africa a continent of hope and reiterate our call to work together to do so. Türkiye's interest in and appreciation of the continent, such as President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's more than 40 visits to the continent, Türkiye's opening to Africa, and the declaration of 2005 as the Year of Africa, are invaluable for all of us. Now, we expect Türkiye's trade volume with African countries to reach 75 billion dollars in 2024, and we are happy to see Türkiye's support in this regard. We see that Africa needs huge investments in infrastructure and energy. We trust Türkiye to transfer its experience to the private sector in the continent. On behalf of the African Union, I would like to thank my brother, H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, once again and express our gratitude for his warm welcome."

Minister Bolat: "We support the approach that Africans will determine the future of Africa"

Stating that Türkiye has always aimed to develop relations with African countries based on equal partnership, brotherhood, and mutual respect and aims to establish mutually beneficial cooperation, Minister of Trade of the Republic of Türkiye Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat said: "Türkiye has been taking decisive steps to develop its relations with Africa with a win-win principle since 2003 when the Strategy for the Development of Trade and Economic Relations with Africa was put into practice. Since 2003, when the Africa Strategy determined by our President  Erdoğan was put into effect, bilateral relations have entered a period of rapid development. While our trade volume with African countries reached 40.7 billion dollars in 2022, we have reached a trade volume of 27 billion dollars this year as of the 9-month period. Our Türkiye-Africa IV. Business and Economic Forum, which we organized in the current conjuncture where international cooperation is even more needed, offered a significant opportunity to address the agenda issues of economic and trade relations between Türkiye and African countries and identify new cooperation areas. We are pleased to have met with representatives of African countries and 24 ministers representing African countries during the two-day Forum. In the meetings held for two days within the scope of TABEF, we discussed how cooperation in the fields of agriculture, agriculture-based industry, tourism, health, manufacturing, infrastructure, textile and women entrepreneurship can be carried further. In addition, there were sessions, seminars and meetings where African governments introduced the investment opportunities in their countries to the Turkish private sector, and Turkish and African business people came together and had fruitful business meetings. While supporting the approach that the future of Africa will be determined by Africans, we will continue to stand by Africa in the international arena in the coming period, and we will continue to take decisive steps to develop together with African countries as equal partners. I would like to thank Azali Assoumani, Chairperson of the African Union & President of the Union of Comoros (TBC), who acted in partnership with our Ministry of Trade, the administrations of 6 African international organizations, DEIK management and staff headed by Mr. Nail Olpak, and nearly 4 thousand participants from Africa and Türkiye.

"Olpak: "We will increase our trade with Africa first to 50 billion dollars and then to 75 billion dollars"

Emphasizing that they are working diligently to increase the trade volume between Türkiye and African countries first to 50 billion dollars and then to 75 billion dollars, DEIK President Nail Olpak said: "In our Türkiye-Africa Business and Economic Forum, which we organized for the fourth time this year, we hosted 1 guest President, Ministers of 24 African countries, Commissioner of the African Union Commission and President of the Business Council, 32 Ambassadors, 19 business world presidents, 3,900 Turkish and African business people, 1700 of whom were from Africa. 9,800 business meetings were held within the scope of our program. I would like to tell a well-known short African story. When an explorer was moving through the African jungle, and one of his companions suddenly stopped, the explorer asked: "Why did we stop? Are you tired?" The man replied: "We are not tired, but we are moving so fast that our souls are left behind." Sometimes, we run so fast in the routine of life that we lose the soul of the work. Then, we need to take a breath and continue with a better plan. I see TABEF as a balancing process to catch our soul.

As DEİK, we continue our "Business Diplomacy" efforts to increase our investment and trade with our 152 Business Councils, 48 of which operate in Africa, by capturing the spirit of our business. We are working decisively to strengthen our trade and investments with African countries. We aim to increase our trade first to 50 billion dollars and then to 75 billion dollars. In order to reach our targets, overcoming visa problems, double tax avoidance agreements, mutual recognition and protection of investments agreements, FTAs, development of banking opportunities, and cooperation in the fields of technology and start-ups are crucial. And we have only one principle: win-win. I would like to thank our Presidents, our Minister of Trade and the African Union, our Ministers, panelists, and all representatives of the business world who participated in our program with great interest."

The best of Türkiye-Africa Business World were awarded

After President Erdoğan's speech, the Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement between Türkiye and the Union of Comoros was signed. The agreement was signed by Minister of Trade Ömer Bolat and Minister of Post, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy of the Union of Comoros Kamalidine Souef. Afterward, Erdoğan and the President of the Union of Comoros, Azali, presented awards to the executives of 6 companies that developed projects covering the African continent and contributed to the development of trade relations with the continent.

Miller Holding CEO & Milvest Chairman Turhan Mildon, Aksa Energy Chairman Cemil Kazancı, Albayrak Holding Chairman Ahmet Albayrak, Doğanlar Holding Vice Chairman Adnan Doğan, Nurol Holding Vice Chairman Oğuz Çarmıklı and Turkish Aerospace General Manager Prof. Dr. Temel Kotil were presented with their awards.

Sponsored by Miller Holding, Aksa, Albayrak, Doğanlar, Kolin, Nurol, TAI, Selpak, Tay Group, Koluman, Ford Truck and Afrika Finance Corporation, the Türkiye-Africa IV. Business and Economic Forum ended with bilateral business meetings following the Türkiye-Africa Business Awards Ceremony organized as part of the TABEF Ceremony.


Türkiye-Africa IV Business and Economic Forum, hosted by the Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Trade and organized by the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK) in cooperation with the African Union, started on October 12, 2023 in Istanbul with the motto "Unlocking Opportunities: Building Stronger Türkiye-Africa Economic Partnerships".

Minister of Trade Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat, Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry and Minerals of the African Union Commission (AUC) Ambassador Albert Muchanga, Minister of Post, Telecommunications and Digital Economy of the Union of Comoros Kamalidine Souef, DEİK President Nail Olpak and nearly 4 thousand business people who shape the trade and economies of Türkiye and African countries signed four agreements within the scope of the MoU Ceremony with the announcement of the TABEF 2023 Joint Declaration on the first day of the Forum.

Organized for the fourth time this year, the Türkiye-Africa Business and Economic Forum is being held with the motto of "Unlocking Opportunities: Building Stronger Türkiye-Africa Economic Partnerships" with nearly 4 thousand participants from 53 countries. On the first day of the Forum, which brought together representatives of the economy, trade, and business world of Türkiye and African countries, new cooperation and investment opportunities were discussed with country and sector-based panels. Within the scope of the Forum, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Signing Ceremony was held with the participation of Minister of Trade Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat, African Union Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade, Industry and Mining Albert Muchanga, and Minister of Post, Telecommunications and Digital Economy of the Union of Comoros Kamalidine Souef.

During the ceremony, "DEİK & ECCAS High Business Council MOU Agreement," "DEİK/Türkiye-Senegal Business Council Establishment Agreement," "DEİK/Türkiye-Cape Verde Business Council Cooperation Agreement" and "DEİK/Türkiye-Togo Business Council Cooperation Agreement" were signed.

Bolat: "Turkish investments in Africa have reached 10 billion dollars"

Emphasizing that Türkiye attaches great importance to its relations with African countries under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Minister of Trade Prof. Dr. Ömer Bolat said: "The 'Strategy for the Development of Trade and Economic Relations with African Countries,' which we started in 2003, is being implemented vigorously in every dimension. Here, we aimed to develop our economic and commercial relations with the entire African continent in a balanced manner. In 2003, Türkiye's foreign trade with Africa was only 5.4 billion dollars. By the end of 2022, we are pleased to see that the trade volume reached 40.7 billion dollars. In the 20 years that our Africa strategy has been implemented, we see that our trade volume with the African continent has increased 7.5 times, and when we look specifically at the Sub-Saharan region of Africa, we see that our trade volume has increased 11.3 times. While Turkish investments in Africa have reached 10 billion dollars today, we see that Turkish investors provide job opportunities for hundreds of thousands of people in Africa and make great contributions to the development of the countries in which they invest. In addition, Turkish contracting companies have successfully completed 1864 projects in the African continent, totaling 85.4 billion dollars in infrastructure and superstructure investments. We are also very pleased that the African Union is a member of the G20 community, and as Türkiye, we support Africa on the G20 platform. As ministers, we exchanged ideas on developing relations between Türkiye and African countries in areas such as agriculture, agriculture-based industries, manufacturing sector, infrastructure and transportation, tourism and women entrepreneurship. Our country will continue to contribute to Africa's development in every field and to take its rightful place in the global system."

Olpak: "We will take important steps to reach a trade volume target of 50 billion dollars first and then 75 billion dollars between Türkiye and Africa"

In his speech at the opening of the forum, DEIK President Nail Olpak emphasized that the Turkish business world is ready for joint infrastructure investments with Africa and said, "We will build new bridges between Türkiye and Africa with panels, bilateral meetings, G2B meetings and agreements to be signed within the two-day TABEF. We will take essential steps to reach a trade volume target of 50 billion dollars first and then 75 billion dollars. Our priority is to increase our cooperation with our African friends in infrastructure projects, especially transportation, energy, and health, within the framework of the win-win principle. When we look at the last 20 years of the Turkish economy, we see a significant leap. In the last 20 years, Turkish contracting companies, whose activities in the north of Africa go back further, have increased their activities in Sub-Saharan Africa and have become the contracting companies with the largest presence in the entire continent. Looking at the world today, it is clear that infrastructure investments play an important role in solving global economic problems.

On the other hand, green and digital transformation is on the world's agenda, and these transformations, which will change production and consumption habits in every sector, are leading to a significant paradigm shift on the energy side. Logistics investments, which are complementary to these, are also an area we expect to become more prominent. New regional collaborations and trade routes are on the agenda in global trade. The concretization of these trade routes will be possible through new transportation, energy, and communication infrastructures. In this context, integrated intermodal infrastructures will gain more importance. The transformations we have experienced and will experience reveal that the importance of energy, transportation, and communication infrastructure investments will increase. However, solutions to global problems cannot be found by a single country making these investments. Therefore, we should keep our vision wider and be more open to global cooperation in these investments. As the Turkish business world, we are ready for more joint infrastructure investments with our African friends in every field."

Sector-based opportunities between Türkiye and Africa were discussed in day-long panels

On the first day of the Forum, "Collaboration on Manufacturing and Agro-Industries: Supply Chain  Sustainability & Food Security," Africa Digital Transformation: Enhancing Africa Digital Technologies Ecosystem," and "Health Technology Assessment & Promotion of  Tourism Centers" panels and "Infrastructure Investment Opportunities: 'Energy, Telecommunication and Transportation Networks," "Opportunities and Benefits of Free Zones," Africa Digital Transformation: Enhancing Africa Digital Technologies Ecosystem"The importance of an Efficient Defense and Aviation Technologies," "Investment & Trade Financing in Africa and Banking Relations with Türkiye"  and "Investment & Trade Opportunities in ECCAS Region" sessions and bilateral business meetings were organized simultaneously.


Türkiye-Kuwait Business Council of the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Türkiye (DEİK) on Thursday (November 4, 2021) launched its report on Kuwait and Türkiye bilateral economic relations. Chaired by Turkish Limak Holding's Board President Ebru Özdemir, the Report titled ‘Bilateral Trade and Foreign Direct Investment for Kuwait and Turkey: Leveraging Economic Relations to Promote Further Growth' aims to provide business circles, investors and decision makers both in Kuwait and in Turkey a practical guide to take forward their business plans.

The virtual launch event of the Report brought together high level representatives from the Turkish Embassy in Kuwait, Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority (KDIPA), Investment Office of Presidency of Republic of Türkiye and DEİK.

On the launch event Türkiye-Kuwait Business Council and Limak Chair Ebru Özdemir said: "Past 50 years since Türkiye and Kuwait established diplomatic relations, our bilateral relations on the whole enjoyed a steady development. The past 15 years in particular have witnessed active and fruitful interactions between two countries thanks to the strong dialogue between leaders of two countries. And today, bilateral trade relations between our countries are at a major crossroad with both countries are looking forward to advance cooperation". On Business Council's activities Limak's Özdemir said: "More efforts are needed to be spent to increase and boost bilateral economic cooperation between Turkey and Kuwait, especially in the post-pandemic period. As the Türkiye-Kuwait Business Council, we continue our activities since 2006 and always looking after for new ways to contribute the economic relations".

DEİK President Nail Olpak, in his welcoming address emphasized 3 main takeaways from the pandemic period, namely disruption of the supply chains, changing perception on logistics and urgent need for global supply chains resilience. President Olpak said: "As the Turkish business community we had and still have an uninterrupted supply chain from the beginning of the outbreak, so we're eager and we desire to have much more bilateral economic relations including direct investments with Kuwait".

President Olpak continued by: "We should cooperate on new and potential areas such as e-commerce, finance, banking & fintech (financial technology), but also on traditionally strong sectors, namely construction, infrastructure, medical sector, food and health sectors. In September 2021, as DEİK we organized a joint webinar with the participation of Kuwaiti banks and Turkish banks to further enhance the relations between two countries in both conventional banking sector and in Islamic banking, which I believe has a strong potential. I hope, these joint efforts will be useful and productive for both parties."

Burak Dağlıoğlu, the President of the Investment Office of Presidency of Republic of Türkiye, said the Report aims to provide an overview of the investment landscape in Türkiye and Kuwait. "I hope that this report will be a roadmap for the development of mutual trade and investments," he added. Turkish Investment Office's President Dağlıoğlu also stressed:

"a resilient and fast-growing economy, Türkiye offers business-friendly policies, deep talent pool, and global market access at the nexus of Europe, Asia, and Africa to attract sustainable FDI".

Mohammed Mulla Yaqoub, Deputy Director General for Business Development of KDIPAemphasized the  trade and investment potential between Türkiye and Kuwait, and also business potential in logistics sector.Deputy Director General Yaqoub said: "We believe that the pandemic pushed all of us to become more sufficient and efficient, and this requires the collaboration among countries". KDIPA's Director GeneralYaqoub also emphasized the importance of Kuwait Vision 2023 for business investors: "In the scope of Kuwait Vision 2035, public sector started a huge privatization process and we want from Turkish companies to come and to become partner with us in the privatization process". Yaqoub also highlighted the Turkey's business-friendly environment and their desire to work for increasing sectoral diversity in the bilateral trade between Turkey and Kuwait.

Ayşe Hilal Sayan Koytak, Türkiye's Ambassador to Kuwait, on the launch event said that economic and commercial cooperation is at the core of Turkey-Kuwait relations. "Currently, there are 383 companies in Turkey having Kuwaiti investors. The total foreign direct investment inflows from Kuwait to Turkey between 2002 and 2020 already passed $2 billion," she added. So, by launching a report on bilateral trade and foreign direct investment, the Business Council is again underlining a crucial aspect of the bilateral ties, she highlighted.

On the Report

The Report encompasses a general picture of Türkiye-Kuwait bilateral economic cooperation and latest developments in the relations; it also highlights key sectors and potential areas of investment for both countries. Accompanied with practical information for future investors and a brief about the economy as a whole and agencies involved in advancing FDI in both the countries, the Report aims to draw the way forward for Türkiye and Kuwait in the economic sphere.

The Report could be reached at:

The recording of the virtual lauch could be reached at:


11. Türkiye Investment Conference Gala Dinner organized by DEİK/Türkiye-USA Business Council (TAIK), was held in New York on September 20, 2021, at the invitation of DEİK President Nail Olpak and TAİK President Mehmet Ali Yalçındağ, with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Minister of Trade Mehmet Muş, Minister of National Defense Hulusi Akar, Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy, the Turkish Ambassador to Washington Murat Mercan and AK Party Deputy Chairman Binali Yıldırım.

At the Gala Dinner, which was attended by prominent representatives of the Turkish and American business communities, the importance of bilateral trade and economic relations was emphasized and a call for cooperation was issued. The Turkish Investment Conference Gala Dinner, which was held for the 11th time this year, hosted nearly 300 guests, including the leaders of the Turkish business community, the world's top investment companies and fund managers, and senior executives from the United States.

President Erdoğan: "Our flexible and high production capacity offers many opportunities for American companies"

Speaking at the 11th Türkiye Investment Conference Gala Dinner, T.C. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recalled that in May 2021, he exchanged views with the executives of some American companies via video conference and discussed new cooperation and investment opportunities, and that this time DEİK/Türkiye-USA Business Council met with valuable representatives of the American business community. stated that this provides the opportunity. Recalling that Türkiye and the U.S. have been two strong strategic partners and allies for 70 years, Erdoğan said, "This very special and sound cooperation has contributed to peace, stability and security in many regions of the world over the years. It has shown once again how important and valuable a partnership is. As in personal relationships, disagreements may arise from time to time in intergovernmental relations. We believe that these can be overcome through dialog in a framework of solidarity and mutual respect, and in the comprehensive meeting we confirmed our common will on this issue. We fully agree with Mr. President that it is possible and necessary to expand our economic relations. We jointly underlined our determination to increase our bilateral trade volume to $100 billion. This figure is a comfort if the right steps are taken. We agree that this is a realistic goal that can be achieved.

Despite epidemic conditions, bilateral trade volume between Türkiye and the U.S. increased to $21 billion last year. The U.S. ranks third among the countries to which Türkiye exports the most. We expect our bilateral trade volume to reach $25 billion by the end of this year. Our country has shown during the epidemic that it is a reliable link in global supply chains. We are continuing the work we began with the goal of leading our country to a more civil, democratic, and free constitution. We will continue to implement the necessary legislation to ensure that international investors can safely invest in our country. Our flexible and high production capacities offer many opportunities to American companies, especially in terms of supply chains and security of supply.".

Mehmet Muş: "We want to further strengthen our trade and investment relations with our strategic partners like the U.S."

Noting that Türkiye has achieved serious economic breakthroughs in the recent past without being overshadowed by global and regional problems, Minister of Trade Mehmet Muş said: "The Turkish economy, which has been tested by both political and economic tensions over the past 20 years, has successfully overcome all difficulties. It has a vision to complete its digital transformation, have the most advanced production technology and consolidate its position as a manufacturing and trade hub with high competitiveness and strong logistical and legal infrastructure. "We want to further strengthen our trade and investment relations with our strategic partners such as the US on a global scale. We are convinced that in the coming period, together with the U.S., we will find new solutions at all levels, both in many issues affecting our bilateral trade and in the development of the multilateral trading system," he said.

Nail Olpak: "The way to increase bilateral trade volume is through our state-centric approach"

Nail Olpak, President of Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK), said, "We are approaching our U.S. action plan with a multifaceted and dynamic perspective. We will be more supportive of our business community with a state-centric approach.Currently, our DEİK/Türkiye-USA Business Council has committee structures in 7 states, and we aim to increase this number to 13 by the end of the year. We believe that the way to increase bilateral trade volume between Türkiye and the U.S. is through our state-centric approach.

Olpak stressed the need for cooperation on social issues and the goal of strengthening economic and trade ties, recalling the words of Amelia Earhart, the first female pilot to cross the Atlantic Ocean by plane, "Anyone who has the heart to do something has the oceans to fly," and said, "Success in the heart. As trusted representatives of the Turkish and American business communities, we have more oceans to cross, but we have strong hearts to overcome them to serve our common interests by strengthening our cooperation in both social and economic issues."

Yalçındağ: "The experience of the Turkish entrepreneur is clear, his courage is clear, his success is obvious... We want our American friends to be partners in this success."

DEİK/Türkiye- USA Business Council (TAİK) Chairman Mehmet Ali Yalçındağ expressed his pleasure that the Türkiye Investment Conference Gala Dinner, which could not be organized in the last two years due to the Covid-19 epidemic measures, could be realized this year with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Yalçındağ pointed out that TAIK has never abandoned its priorities despite the change in habits due to the global epidemic, "We have tried to open new opportunities by asking ourselves how we can contribute more to the economic and commercial relations between the two countries. We have made it our mission to contribute to the areas that are waiting to mature between Türkiye and the United States.

Yalçındağ pointed out that the volume of trade between the two countries does not meet its potential despite the obvious annual increase, "As TAİK, we are acting proactively and implementing success-oriented projects so that trade and investment between our countries reach the level they deserve. We are paving the way," he said. Referring to investments in defense industry and technology, Yalçındağ said, "The experience of the Turkish entrepreneur is clear, his courage is clear, his success is obvious... We want our American friends to share in this success as well. Let us experience together the justifiable pride of greater success."

11. Türkiye Investment Conference Gala Dinner; TEB Holding, THY and Kibar Holding are platinum sponsors; Halkbank, Hepsiburada, IC İçtaş, Limak Holding, TAV and Trendyol are gold sponsors; Getir, TBNG, Turkcell, TUSAŞ, Transatlantic Petroleum and Yemeksepeti became silver sponsors.


Nail Olpak, President of the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK), published a message about the 15 July Democracy and National Unity Day.

Olpak stated the following:

"Five years have passed since the treacherous coup attempt on 15 July 2016 by the FETO terrorist organization, which covets Turkey's unity and integrity. With the strong power of our state and the unshakable will of our nation, we did not let those who tried to disrupt our democracy as one body by displaying an exemplary stance to the world. In that dark night, we witnessed with deep pain that many valued members ​​of our country were heroically martyred or become a veteran in order to protect our homeland.

As a result of the determination of our President, Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and our state, we proved once again that the sovereignty belongs to the nation unconditionally. On the occasion of July 15, the Day of Democracy and National Unity, we commemorate with respect, mercy and gratitude all our heroes of democracy, who put their lives on the line against the traitors who tried to plunge Turkey into darkness. We hope that this beautiful country and our beloved nation will not experience such tragic events again.

While our state and nation continue their struggle by overcoming many cyclical and regional difficulties, they continue to walk confidently towards their goals with the vision of "Strong Turkey". Turkey, which is among the 20 largest economies in the world, managed to become one of the rare countries that showed positive growth success even during the Covid-19 epidemic, which changed the course of global trade. We hope that in 2021, we will reach an export volume of 200 billion dollars for the first time in the history of the Republic.

As the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK), the locomotive platform of the Turkish business world, we will continue our business diplomacy activities, which we carry out with a focus on "more trade" with our 146 Business Councils. While we carry the power of the Turkish private sector to the whole world, our struggle for democracy, which we carry out together with our Turkish diaspora representatives, will never stop.

We will continue to work for Turkey day and night in order for our country to open new doors in foreign trade, break new records in exports, become the cradle of international investments and one of the centers of attraction for trade."

Nail Olpak, Chairman of the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK), made a written assessment for the Turkish business world regarding the meetings between President Erdogan and state leaders at the NATO Summit.
Olpak stated the following in his remarks:
"Our President Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, within the scope of the NATO Summit, held bilateral meetings with many leaders, including US President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, Greek Prime Minister Kiryakos Mitsotakis and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. The meetings resulted in a positive and productive picture for Turkey, with which we are very pleased.
As the Turkish business world, we believe that our economic and commercial relations with friendly and allied countries in NATO will continue with a much stronger momentum in the upcoming period. We see that productive contacts and cooperations are established with Western countries, which are our biggest commercial and economic partners, shaping the world economy and global trade. We believe that this constructive and conciliatory approach will also contribute to our business world, which will shift the gears up in global trade.
In addition, our Minister of Trade, Mr. Mehmet Muş, was in Brussels with the EU Commission officials, especially the modernization of the Customs Union between Turkey and the EU; the development of commercial and economic relations, cooperation in the field of supply chains and green transformation, and fruitful talks on the positive agenda of Turkey-EU are also pleasing for the business world.
We, as DEİK, will continue to work for more trade in line with common interests by always maintaining open communication between countries in our commercial diplomacy activities with our Business Councils. We will continue to take decisive steps towards getting a bigger share from world trade with new steps to be taken in terms of bilateral trade, mutual investments, industrial cooperation and exports."

Nail Olpak, President of the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK), made a written statement on May 11th 2021, regarding the attacks carried out by Israeli security forces in Gaza and Masjid al-Aqsa. Olpak stated the following: "The violence inflicted by Israel in front of the whole world continues by attacking innocent civilians and holy places of worship in Gaza and Masjid al-Aqsa, even during the holy month of Ramadan. As a family, we strongly condemn Israel's attacks on the holy and innocent. Masjid al-Aqsa, where all religions meet as the common heritage of humanity, is our common value. We invite the whole world to become one voice against these attacks, as business people who believe in the value of peace and humanity. We call Israel to stop this oppressive attitude that is beyond any law and the violence targeting innocent civilians immediately. As DEİK, we will continue to support the Palestinian people and to stand for peace and humanity."

Nail Olpak, President of the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEİK), made a written assessment of the use of the so-called "Genocide" expression for the 1915 events by the U.S. President Joe Biden.
Olpak stated the following:
"We have deeply regretted the so-called genocide statement made by the U.S. President Joe Biden with a political discourse regarding the 1915 events.  Turkey has never committed such a crime against humanity during its long history. We strongly oppose and completely reject this unrealistic, political and baseless statement, which is not valid in terms of international law. We do not find this unfair attitude of the U.S.A., which we call a friendly and allied country, which will not benefit anyone as a third country, neither politically nor diplomatically.
In spite of various problems, during these critical times when we have joined our efforts to increase trade cooperations between Turkey and the United States, we invite the U.S. government once more to reconsider the sensitivity of the situation and their attitude.  We will resolutely continue our business diplomacy activities, which we carry out to add value to the foreign economic relations of the Turkish business world."

As Turkish businesspeople, we believe that it is of utmost importance to continue with our commercial and economic relations smoothly with Saudi Arabia.

We believe that the growth and development of Turkish and Saudi economies, which complement one another, rely on continuing trade between our countries on a win-win basis. Because, we know that trade brings wealth and prosperity to people.

Despite all these, we regret to see that Saudi Arabia is taking an increasingly negative stance against Turkish companies. We learn from the complaints reported by Turkish companies, which are also taken up by the press, that Saudi authorities state that no imports would be made from Turkey. Furthermore, it is stated that many Saudi companies which supply goods from Turkish companies are forced to sign a letter of commitment not to import goods from Turkey.

And recently, global logistics companies have been warning their customers about the obstacles that Turkish companies face in Saudi Arabia, that they should be prepared for long waiting times at Saudi customs for goods arriving from Turkey and that imports from Turkey might even be blocked. Thus, this issue has gone beyond bilateral economic relations and become a problem for global supply chains.

Finally, it has been a massive disappointment for the businesspeople of both countries that the President of the Council of Saudi Chambers Mr. Ajlan bin Abdul Aziz Al-Ajlan tweeted on October 3, 2020 that it is the duty of all Saudi nationals to boycott Turkish products. 

All these negative developments we have pointed out above, are also valid for Turkish contracting companies that have contributed to the Saudi Arabian economy for years and have successfully completed hundreds of important projects in the country so far. Our contractors have not been invited to the important tenders for sometime and they have not been given  any new big projects.

We deeply regret the discriminatory treatment that our companies face in Saudi Arabia.

Any official or unofficial initiative to block trade between the two countries will have negative repercussions on our trade relations and be detrimental to economies and people of both countries.

Decreasing supply from Turkey will lower the business volume and revenues of Saudi companies and will negatively affect the purchasing power of Saudi nationals who prefer Turkish products for their quality and price with confidence. 

In this context, we, the Turkish businesspeople, expect Saudi authorities to take concrete initiatives to resolve the problems in our trade and economic relations.

We are confident that we can surmount any kind of problem with constructive dialogue and cooperation.


M. Rifat HİSARCIKLIOĞLU                 Bendevi PALANDÖKEN                      İsmail GÜLLE                        Nail OLPAK          

TOBB President                                  TESK President                                    TİM President                      DEİK President



Simone KASLOWSKI                          Abdurrahman KAAN                          Mithat YENİGÜN                  Ayşem SARGIN   

TÜSİAD President                               MÜSİAD President                              TMB President                    YASED President


Turkey-Africa Economic and Business Forum (TABEF), jointly organized online for the very first time by Turkish Ministry of Trade, the African Union and Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEiK), was opened on Thursday October 8, 2020 with the attandence of President of Turkey H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Minister of Trade H.E. Ruhsar Pekcan, Economic Affairs Commissioner of African Union Commission (AUC) H.E. Victor Harrison, President of DEiK Mr. Nail Olpak and Coordinating Chairperson of DEiK/Turkey-Africa Business Councils Ms. Berna Gozbasi.

The global, digital-first and two-day Forum will provide access to hot business topics discussed during 10 panel sessions, 43 high-level speakers, live networking among 2.500 participants from Turkey and 71 countries (46 African countries), G2B meetings and virtual exhibiting booths on October 8-9 2020.

Top 5 sectors of the participant companies are Agro-Industry, Building & Infrastructure,

Trade & Distribution, Manufacturing and Energy.

About 68.000 people watched the opening session of the Forum's livestream on social media.

H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President of the Republic of Turkey

Turkey is proud to have contributed to African countries in their fight against the novel coronavirus with Turkish-made respirators, masks and overalls, the country's president said on Thursday.

"The peoples of Africa were unfortunately left to their fate in the face of the virus while Western developed countries were engaged in mask wars," Recep Tayyip Erdogan said during the Turkey-Africa Business Forum organized by Turkey's Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK) via video link.

Erdogan underlined that the Turkey-Africa Health Partners Platform could facilitate comprehensive and permanent cooperation between the two sides.

"The essence of our relations with Africa is sincerity, brotherhood and solidarity," he said, adding that Turkey has never held short-term interests towards the continent.

Ankara does not approve designs to sustain the colonial practices of the past through new methods, he asserted, adding that as a country that has never partaken in colonialism, Turkey refuses to approach the continent in an arrogant or bossy way.

He underlined that Turkey did not see African countries as only markets for Turkish products, but rather sought win-win cooperation.

"We would like to win together, to succeed together, to walk together [with Africa]."

Trade Relations

Erdogan noted that trade volume with the African continent, which was $5.4 billion in 2003, reached $26.2 billion in 2019.

"We should not allow the negativities caused by the pandemic to slow down the momentum we have got in our relations," Erdogan said adding: "We have to take it [trade volume] to over $50 billion in a few years.

The total value of projects undertaken by Turkish companies across Africa has reached approximately $70 billion, he said, adding the market value of Turkish investments across the continent has exceeded $6 billion.

Underlining Turkish companies' critical role in overcoming the infrastructure and superstructure deficiencies in Africa, he stressed: "Turkish companies apply a unique model, from technology transfer to knowledge and experience sharing, from capacity investment to increase in joint ventures."

He also noted the Turkish firms have contributed to generate local employment and production in the countries where they are operating.

"Turkish investors, who meet most of their workforce needs locally, did not make the mistake of importing workers from abroad like many foreign companies.

"More than 100,000 African labourers have gained employment opportunities thanks to Turkish investors," Erdogan added.

Turkey will be among the fastest-recovering countries from the novel coronavirus pandemic, its top trade official said Thursday.

H.E. Ruhsar Pekcan, Minister of Trade of the Republic of Turkey

According to the latest OECD report, Turkey -- after China and South Korea -- will be among the least affected countries by the global economic downturn caused by the pandemic, Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan said during the Turkey-Africa Business Forum, organized by Turkey's Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEiK).

At the event, participants are discussing post-pandemic economic relations between Turkey and Africa, as well as several other topics such as e-commerce, agriculture and free trade agreements, she noted.

Pekcan underlined that the forum was hosting business people from 81 countries, of which over 60 of were African nations, adding that more than 50 international speakers would speak at the event.

"Turkey prioritizes the concept of win-win with Africa relations," she underlined.

Pekcan said that while Turkey defends its rights and benefits, it attaches importance to the rights of the least developed countries as well.

She recalled that Turkey's bilateral trade was up by 7%, reaching $26.2 billion last year and stranding at $18.2 billion in the first nine months of 2020 despite the virus outbreak.

Trade and investment between the two sides will expand further in the coming period, Pekcan added.

Mr. Nail Olpak, President of Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEiK)

2063 Africa vision

Nail Olpak, chairman of the DEIK, said: "We can develop more investment and cooperation projects, including PPP [public-private partnerships], especially in areas such as health, transportation, engineering and architecture, banking, manufacturing and industry where information technologies are used.

During his speech, Olpak noted Pekcan's ongoing efforts to establish logistics centers in Africa, saying these centers are very important in terms of supply chains.

He said the 2063 vision of the African Union and its goals in manufacturing, industrialization and value-added production, which are set to transform Africa into a global power center, also shaped Turkey's economic relations with the continent.

The biggest problem, on the other hand, of the Turkish private sector in Africa is the financing of its activities, he said, adding that though Turk Eximbank provided intensive support for these operations, more support was needed.

H.E. Prof. Victor Harison, the Economic Affairs Commissioner of African Union Commission

Pandemic-hit Africa

Victor Harison, the Economic Affairs Commissioner of African Union Commission, said the COVID-19 pandemic had damaged the Africa continent deeply, with 1.5 million people infected and 36,000 dead.

Before the pandemic, Africa's GDP growth forecast for 2020 had been 3.4%. The current predictions are between minus 4.9% and minus 2.1%, Harison stated.

The inflation rate is currently over 5% in several African countries, he added.

The continent needs to raise its manufacturing exports and reduce the use of processed goods to close its fiscal gap, said Harison.