Osman Aksoy was born in 1952 in Ordu in Turkey. He completed primary and secondary education in Piraziz and in Bulancak districts of Giresun. He completed free boarding high school education in Rize High School in 1969. In the same year he started to study mechanical engineering in İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi and he was graduated in 1973 as a Mechanical Engineer.

After graduation he worked for Karabük Demir Çelik and Sümerbank affiliates for a while and then he switched to private sector from public sector in 1978.

After that he worked as Factory Manager in Kartaş Çember ve Profil Sanayi, Material and Purchasing Manager in Singer Dikiş Makinaları Sanayi, Material Director in Koleksiyon Mobilya Sanayi, Production Director in ÇBS Boya Kimya Sanayi, Quality and Technology Director in Çelik Halat Sanayi and Istanbul Region Manager in Temsa Termomekanik Sanayi. Nevertheless he worked for İGDAŞ İstanbul Gaz Dağıtım Sanayi (İBB affiliate) as Assistant General Manager in 1994-1995 and as General Manager for a short time period in 2004.

He joined Hayat Holding as Sales and Marketing Director in Kastamonu Entegre Ağaç Sanayi. In 2007 he promoted as Secretary General of Hayat Holding. Meanwhile, he worked for Hayat Holding's investment in Iran in 2012-2014 and in 2019-2020. This affiliate is Pars Hayat and is located in Iran to produce fast moving consumer goods such as tissue paper (Papia and Teno), diaper (Molfix), sanitary pad (Molped) and detergent (Test). He completed his last mission in 15th of March 2020 and was reassigned as Secretary General of Hayat Holding.

Osman Aksoy;

He also performed several duties:

Member of Board / Kocaeli Chamber of Industry, Member of Board / İstanbul Furniture, Paper and Wood & Forestry Products Exporters Association, Member of Board of Supervisors / İKMİB İstanbul Chemical Materials and Products Exporters Association, Member of Board / Middle Anatolia Furniture, Paper and Wood & Forestry Products Exporters Association, Turkey – Nigeria Business Council Chairperson.

His current duties:

·       DEIK Board of Directors Member

·       DEİK Turkey – Iran Business Council Chairperson

·       Executive Board Member / DEİK Turkey – Pakistan Business Council

·       Executive Board Member / DEİK Turkey – Nigeria Business Council

 Osman Aksoy is a father of two male children; one of them is Mathematical Engineer and the other one is Industrial Engineer. He can speak English as a foreign language.

 Aksoy currently works as Secretary General in Hayat Holding where the headquarter is located in Altunizade, Üsküdar/İstanbul.