Year of Establishment: 2016
Founder Chairperson: Mehmet Kutman

Chairperson Representing Türkiye: Oğuz Satıcı
Company: Global Liman İşletmeleri A.Ş.
Counterpart Chairperson:
Counterpart Organisation:

President of the Republic of Türkiye, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, became the first Turkish President to visit Cuba in 2015. As part of the event, DEİK organized a Business Forum with the participation of DEİK President Ömer Cihad Vardan and the President of Cámara de Commercio de Cuba. (CCC), Hernández Guillén signed a Cooperation Agreement in the presence of ministers of both countries.

Mehmet Kutman served as the Founding Chairman of the DEIK Cuba Business Council in 2016. However, following the American sanctions imposed on Cuba, he has not actively continued in this role. As of today, he does not hold the position of Chairman of the Business Council.

More than 90% of the Cuban economy is controlled by the state. In 1995, the country became a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which led to changes in the import duty regime. Cuba imposes higher general tariff rates on countries that do not have Most Favored Nation (MFN) status or have not signed a Preferential Trade Agreement. However, WTO member countries, including Türkiye, pay lower rates. Since 1995, the country's currency has been partially convertible within the country.

In 1982, law No. 50 (Investment Law) came into force, allowing joint investments with Western companies. The reforms made in 2003 encourage investments. Investments in tourism attract the most attention, with 68% of the total. Foreign production joint ventures with state companies include Minbas, Mintur, Micons, Minil, Minal, Minagri and Mintrans.

In 2015, Türkiye exported goods worth a total of 10,065 million US dollars to Cuba, while imports from Cuba amounted to 16,987 million US dollars. In 1959, the United States imposed a trade embargo on Cuba; In 2015, the United States took steps to normalize relations and lifted sanctions on trade and travel to Cuba. Relations became so warm that US-American President Barack Obama made an official visit to Cuba on March 20-22, 201t.

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