Year of Establishment: 1996

Coordinating Chairperson: Mehmet Ali Yalçındağ
Company: Mada Girişim Proje Yönetim ve Danışmanlık A.Ş.
Deputy Coordinating Chairperson: Hüseyin Çağatay Özdoğru
Company: Esas Holding A.Ş.
Deputy Coordinating Chairperson: Osman Okyay
Company:  Kale Havacılık San. A.Ş.
Deputy Coordinating Chairperson: Ebru Özdemir
Company: Limak İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.,

In 1996, Türkiye became a member of the Customs Union with the European Union. Following this development, DEİK reorganised its Business Councils with EU member states under the roof of the Türkiye-EU Business Council and established a joint membership basis. The Business Councils continue their individual activities in areas that do not concern the EU, while the EU Business Councils work for the advancement of Türkiye-EU relations.

In the process of EU expansion, the Balkan countries were integrated into the region. With their inclusion, the regional organisation which previously only included EU member countries was extended to a 37-member structure called the Europe Business Councils. 

In the process of EU expansion, the Balkan countries were integrated into the region. With their inclusion, the regional organisation which previously only included EU member countries was extended to a 37-member structure called the Europe Business Councils. 

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