Year of Establishment: 2008
Founder Chairperson: Zeki Çalışkan
Chairperson representing Türkiye: Batuhan Özdemir
Company: Limak İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Counterpart Organisation: Kosovo Chamber of Commerce
Counterpart Chairperson: Lulzim Rafuna
Company: Chairperson of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce

In 2008, the DEİK Board of Directors reached the conclusion that there was enough demand to establish DEİK/Türkiye-Kosovo Business Council, as a result, establishment procedures initiated. Since its declaration of independence, the Republic of Kosovo has been supported by the Republic of Türkiye and the Business Council attempts to formulate and implement suitable policies for its economic development.

Encouraged by the Council, the Turkish private sector is engaged in infrastructure, energy and other projects designed to ensure Kosovo’s economic advancement, which still depends on state donations and development support.

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